Life Insurance

Ready to Serve Best Life Insurance

Your income and health are the most important things to keeping your lifestyle intact. We support you to implement a backup plan so if unforeseen were to happen you would still have a roof over your loved ones and food on the table.

We take the hassle out of all your insurance and asset needs so you can focus on building your dream Nest!

All our services are no obligation and the best part is there is no fee to getting advice from a Finance Bloom and Insurance adviser!

Finance Bloom

Health Insurance

In case you need to have hospital treatment, Health insurance gives you the freedom to select the best specialist and hospital in New Zealand, and avoid the lengthy waiting lists. It also takes away the need to worry about large medical bills. A good health insurance policy will pay for 100% of the costs of private hospital treatment. It will also cover specialist visits, major diagnostic tests, and imaging such as MRI and CT Scans.

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Life Insurance


Income Protection Mortgage Repayment Cover In case you are too sick to work, Income Protection and Mortgage Repayment Cove provide you with a monthly benefit that replaces a percentage of your income, so you can keep on top of debt and living costs. A Mortgage Repayment Policy is an alternative that can simply cover your ongoing mortgage repayments or a percentage of your income

Life Insurance In case you become terminally ill or die, Life Cover will ensure that in the event of your untimely death (or becoming terminally ill) a lump sum payment will be available. This payment will allow you to provide for your spouse/family by ensuring their financial security.

Trauma Cover In case you suffer a major health condition, Trauma insurance pays a lump sum upon diagnosis or suffering one of the covered serious conditions, regardless of whether or not you are able to perform your normal duties of work. A good trauma policy will cover over 40 major health conditions, with most claims coming from “the big three” (serious cancer, heart disease & stroke).

Total & Permanent Disability Cover In case you are unable to ever work again, Total & Permanent Disablement (TPD) Insurance pays a lump sum in the event that you’re unable to ever work again ¬totally and permanently disabled.

Finance Bloom

Finance Bloom Insurance Process

Type of Insurance We evaluate and analyze your full risk profile and then structure an insurance plan that covers your risk needs. We closely manage the application process with the Insurance Company to make sure you get the best value for money. Insurance Review We maintain your policy, keeping it affordable and updated to your risk needs. With a yearly review, you will have a good idea of what cover you have in place and we will increase or reduce cover as your circumstances change. Insurance Claims All Finance Bloom clients receive expert claims support, that will assist you through to a successful outcome. We are your advocate and experts in insurance and we promise to pursue all possible avenues to make sure your claim is paid.

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How are we different?

Insuring Kiwis is our business. We go out of our way to make our offerings more flexible and our service more genuine.
We hope you never have to make a claim, you’ll be comforted to know we are with you every step of the way.
We’ll support you to get back on your feet if you can’t work due to sickness or injury.

Why use a Finance Bloom insurance adviser

When arranging your insurance, people are simply unaware of some of the complexities or simply take shortcuts.

Our Insurance advisers have a strong knowledge of the insurance market and can assist you.

Whatever cover you need, our advisers are here to provide advice specific to your needs both now and for the future, assistance to ensure you have the appropriate cover in place, providing you with certainty and ongoing service and support should your situation change or you need help at claim time.

Our Risk Advisers will:

Guide you through the process and implementation of your policy
Advise you on any associated costs or special situations/conditions you need to look out for
Assist in making your protection affordable by tailoring your premiums to your budget
Help you understand your policy, explain what it covers and how and when it works
As life never stands still, we will regularly review your policy to make sure it is still meeting your specific needs
Provide support and assistance at claim time, taking away the stress at a difficult time, providing you time to concentrate on your recovery or whatever the situation maybe


Finance Bloom deals in Kiwisaver and Investments we offer different companies which provide better return rates. Contact us today to discuss your investments.

Get financing for whatever you need now

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While it’s always important to carefully consider your financial situation before taking on a loan, sometimes a loan is the best way to finance a large purchase or project that you can’t afford the upfront

Strong Then, Strong Now

Our unique online technology gives you an instant quote and approval within hours.

Consistently High-Rated

We compare from the major lenders and negotiate directly to get you a great rate, exclusively for simplify customers.

Promising life future

Whether you are after a loan for business or personal use, we can help. We provide premium Kiwi service and will always put your needs first.

Stability is Proven

We help you find the right loan and provide options on structure to reduce your debt faster. We want your business for the future, not just a single transaction.

Loan Eligibility

Any salaried, self-employed or professional Public and Privat companies, Government sector employees including Public Sector is eligible for a personal loan.


You’re over 18 years of age.


Hold a valid New Zealand driver license


Have a regular income


You’re a New Zealand resident or visa holder

Frequently Ask Questions

If you have a question that deals with clients, customers or the public in general, there is bound to be a need for the FAQ page.

We are very transparent in our dealings. We believe in long term relationship and Trust, We work tirelessly to achieve best results for our clients. So come and experience yourself. We are just a phone call away or drop us a line to have a free review of your any loans.

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